About Me

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I remember the first day of school at Hynes, when I was on my way to my first ever bus stop, I wanted to check what was for lunch, and then the bus pulls up and i drop my food all over the place so the bus had to wait for me.That was probably the worst way to start off the new school year, especially when it was the first day of the kindergarten. After my long journey through the school years I’m finally graduating from this school district. Even though the journey was tough, I still had a good time through elementary and middle school. I would have never gotten this far if it wasn’t for the great teachers here at Golf and Hynes.
As Eleanor Roosevelt Once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams.”

Thank you

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Have you ever had that experience when on the day of an important test you know everything for it, but then when you take it you completely forgot almost everything... Well you're not alone. I have had almost that experience numerous amount of times. So now, I've figured out a way to know your stuff. Don't study late before  bed, it is better to study earlier so your brain can function a lot better. Then, in the morning before school, study lightly not to much, so you can rejuvenate your memory. And then when taking your test, try squeezing your hands. A study showed that clenching your fists, it send pulses to your brain and activates your thinking and memory. So whenever you have a big test. Follow these simple tasks. Happy studying!!!!😎😎

Monday, March 14, 2016

Dear Diary

Dear diary,

Today was the worst day of my life here at Auswitch. I was awakened by a Kapo abruptly in my sleep at around 4 o'clock am. I was too exhausted to work anymore but, I had to if I wanted to survive. I have eaten almost nothing today. For Breakfast, they gave all of us bread and a brown tasteless drink. I was disgusted by what we were served for breakfast. I saw five men getting exiled by the Kapos because they pushed those five men and they had dropped their ration.

      Then we started to work, some prisoners received a shovel and pickax, others with just their bare hands. Luckily for my I got those two items. Most men who had just their bare hands were beaten until they died. I felt anger inside of me for a while but, I had to keep my mind off that and keep working hard. I had to dig trenches and carry heavy stones to build up the trenches. There were prisoners everywhere on the ground all bloody.

           After all this work I was exhausted and felt like I was ready to die. Maybe one day we'll be saved but for now, I got to to work, work, and work.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Phyllobates Terribilis

The Phyllobates Terribilis is the most poisonous frog in the world. They are an endangered species and are found in the forest of Colombia.
        The reason it's so poisonous is because the skin is densely coated in alkaloid acid. The poison  prevents its victims  nerves from transmitting impulses leaving muscles in an active state of contraction, which can lead to heart failure.

         The frog is estimated to have  one milligram of poison, enough to kill 10,000 mice. Now that's a lot of mice. They're diet contains of many kinds of small insects like ants. The frog is the man source of the poison dart for the natives to hunt for their food.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Meiosis Child Struggles

As you can see this child looks a little deformed. That's why I'm going to talk about how it is hard to fit in. It is hard to fit in with everyone else because that he doesn't look the way everyone else does. For example, this child has a tail and horns which are things that humans do not have. It's those things that people don't have, that another people has that are not normal to them. Other people just want to make fun of you because they think that you are not normal because they have odd features.

Glorious Food

I remember when I was eight years old and there was a fantastic restaurant we went to. It was Chili's.
 The food there was phenomenal. But there was just only one food I ordered there, and that was the chicken fingers with honey-mustard. The reason why I got that was because it was probably the best thing I have ever ate. The honey mustard was the best out of the meal. The chicken finger were always hot and the outside had a crisp flavor, and it's texture was great. Here's a picture of what it looks like.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Super Bowl Predictions

We've all seen how the playoffs went. Comebacks took place and high scores.So now we are on the Super Bowl , it's the Carolina Panthers against the Denver Broncos. Both teams played extremely well, but it seems that the Panthers are the better team. I say the Panthers win the Super Bowl 31 to 17.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Force Awakens Review

  Along time ago in a review that starts right now.
     Star Wars the Force Awakens brought 
back the most loved characters in an excellent way including Luke, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2. The whole movie sucks you in more and more as it progresses. With lots of action and thrills. JJ Abrams did an amazing job of bringingthe Star Wars Galaxy back.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year Resolution


What words would you use for 2015 and what words do you wish you want 2016 to be.

A couple of words that I would use to the describe 2015 are interesting and excellent. I chose those  words because 2015 had a lot of surprising things and good things like I finally figured out how to excel in school. I wish that 2016 would be better. Last year felt a little bad for me